Half Demon Man with Giant Cigar Club and Demonic Wings

полу демон получеловек в поношенном кожаном плаще и шляпе мужик с гигантской сигарой как дубина в руках, на спине растут большие демонические крылья и на голове пять больших рогов которые выглядят как афродреды, сам мужчина похож на гейзенберга из resident evil 8 village

Midjourney AI Art Prompt


полу демон получеловек в поношенном кожаном плаще и шляпе мужик с гигантской сигарой как дубина в руках, на спине растут большие демонические крылья и на голове пять больших рогов которые выглядят как афродреды, сам мужчина похож на гейзенберга из resident evil 8 village
Model: V6
Ratio: 1:1
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Images Generated by Midjourney AI

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Midjourney AI Art Prompt Analysis

  • Subject: The central figure is a unique character described as half demon and half human, wearing a worn leather trench coat and hat. This combination suggests a blend of supernatural and human elements, adding intrigue and depth to the character. Setting: The character is depicted in an unspecified setting, allowing for creative interpretations of background elements that could enhance the atmosphere of mystery or danger. Style/Coloring: The image style is likely to be dark and moody, reflecting the character's demonic nature and the trench coat's worn appearance. Deep, shadowy colors and dramatic lighting may be employed to emphasize the contrast between light and darkness. Action or Items: The man is holding a giant cigar, repurposed as a club, which serves as a notable and unconventional weapon, hinting at his strength or unique abilities. Costume or Appearance: Besides the trench coat and hat, the character has large demonic wings growing from his back, further emphasizing his supernatural nature. Five large horns resembling afro puffs on his head add a distinctive and memorable visual element. Accessories: The oversized cigar club is a significant accessory that not only adds to the character's appearance but also suggests a narrative about his demeanor or past actions.