🐼Midjourney教程 用Mid journey画一条狗 知识点:Midjourney基本用法、U和V是什么、查询账号信息和Midjourney付费套餐说明 AI绘图教学第2集

1 Mar 202307:17

TLDR大家好,欢迎继续观看我们的Midjourney AI绘图教程。本期视频,我们将介绍如何使用Midjourney进行绘图,并讲解一些常用的指令。首先,我们需要在Discord上创建一个新的频道,比如命名为“new”,这可以看作是创建了一个文件夹,便于我们后续的图片整理。接着,我们输入指令“/imagine”,在弹出的蓝色方框中输入我们想要绘制的图片描述,比如“一只在太空中的狗”,然后点击回车。Midjourney会生成四张图片供我们选择。图片下方的U和V按钮分别用于放大图片和生成四张相似图片。此外,我们可以通过点击图片下方的按钮对图片进行评价,每天前1000名评价者可获得1小时的免费快速模式使用时间。关于账号信息,我们可以通过输入“/info”命令来查询,了解我们的免费账号可以生成多少张图片。Midjourney提供四种订阅计划,包括免费试用、基本计划、标准计划和专业计划,用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的套餐。通过这个视频,大家应该对Midjourney的基本用法有了一定的了解,下一期我们将介绍更复杂的指令,帮助大家实现更个性化的图片创作。


  • 🐼 学习Midjourney的基本用法,包括如何通过Discord使用Midjourney机器人进行绘图。
  • 📝 了解Midjourney支持英文输入,需要使用翻译软件将中文描述转换为英文。
  • 📈 掌握Midjourney的常用指令,如使用`/imagine`命令来创建图像。
  • 📂 学会在Discord上创建频道,用于组织和管理不同主题的绘图项目。
  • 🔍 明白U和V按钮的功能:U用于放大选中的图像,V用于基于选中图像生成四张变体图像。
  • ⏱ 了解Midjourney的免费账户可以生成一定数量的图像,并学会如何查询账号信息。
  • 🎨 探索通过评价图像来获取额外的免费快速模式使用时间的方法。
  • 💰 熟悉Midjourney的不同付费套餐,包括免费试用、基本计划、标准计划和专业计划。
  • 📢 认识到Midjourney生成的图像可以进行评价,评价高的图像作者可以获得奖励。
  • 🔄 理解Midjourney的刷新按钮可以重新生成图像,基于用户的原始描述。
  • 🚀 鼓励新用户利用免费账户进行测试,熟悉Midjourney的功能和指令。

Q & A

  • Midjourney是什么?


  • 如何注册Discord并使用Midjourney?


  • Midjourney支持哪些语言输入?


  • 使用Midjourney生成图片的基本步骤是什么?


  • 图片下方的U和V按钮分别代表什么?


  • 如何理解Midjourney生成的图片下方的评分系统?


  • Midjourney的免费账号可以生成多少张图片?


  • Midjourney有哪些付费套餐?


  • 如何查看Midjourney账号的剩余生成时间?


  • Midjourney的图片生成质量如何?


  • Midjourney是否适合初学者使用?


  • 如何进一步提升使用Midjourney的技能?




🎨 Introduction to Midjourney AI Art Tutorial

The video begins with a greeting and an introduction to the Midjourney AI art tutorial series. The host recaps the previous episode about Midjourney and Discord registration, mentioning their video's popularity. The focus of this episode is on using Midjourney for creating artwork and its common commands. The host guides viewers through setting up a Discord server with the Midjourney bot, creating a channel for organizing artwork by theme, and using the 'imagine' command to generate images based on descriptions. The process includes translating descriptions into English, as Midjourney supports English input only, and interacting with the bot to generate and refine images. The video also explains the meaning of 'U' and 'V' options for refining images and the importance of rating images to earn free usage time.


💳 Midjourney Account Information and Subscription Plans

The second paragraph discusses the free account capabilities on Midjourney, including how to check account information using the 'info' command. It details the number of images a free account can generate and the remaining time for fast image generation. The host then outlines the different subscription plans available on Midjourney, ranging from a free trial to professional plans with varying costs and benefits. The video concludes with advice for new users to utilize the free trial to understand the platform and its features before deciding on a subscription plan. The host also previews the content of the next episode, which will cover more complex commands for personalized image creation.




















Midjourney的核心功能是图像生成,用户通过输入描述和指令来创造图像。视频中展示了如何通过输入'dog in space'来生成太空中的狗的图像。






Welcome to the Midjourney tutorial, from basic registration to mastering AI painting.

Explains how to create a Discord channel to organize image themes.

Guide on starting with the 'imagine' command in Midjourney to create images.

Shows how to generate an image of a 'dog in space' using Midjourney.

Introduction to 'U' and 'V' commands in Midjourney, detailing their functionalities.

Demonstrates image generation process and discusses the significance of fast and slow modes.

Details on how image evaluations can earn users additional free usage time.

Overview of how to check account information and image generation limits.

Comprehensive breakdown of Midjourney's subscription plans.

Advice on selecting the appropriate subscription plan based on usage needs.

Encourages experimenting with the free account to get familiar with Midjourney.

Hints at future tutorials featuring more complex commands in Midjourney.

Concludes the episode with a recap and expresses gratitude to the viewers.